
Welcome to Local & Fresh producer profiles!

This week we are introducing you to a producer and their product: please welcome Presto Farm lentils to our store! Presto takes pride in being “the little guys” with big dreams.

Preston Perrault and his son Andrew farm 480 acres on a century family farm near Grand Coulee, SK. They believe in the idea of a farm focused on quality and care, rather than quantity and speed. They know that Saskatchewan people already understand a good deal about who makes their food, and Presto continues their family farming tradition with an over-arching commitment to transparency about their growing process and the quality that results.

Presto does it “old school”: using disc, cultivation and rodweed to reduce the need to spray. Their commitment to being ethical growers means they have the utmost respect for their land, their product, and processes. They share their successes but also their trials, believing that everyone should know what went into the making of their food.

This year, Presto produced naturally grown lentils that are hand-sifted into beautiful bags representative of the time and care that went into their production. Next year, they will choose a different crop but will continue devoting the time and care into producing a quality, locally, naturally grown product.

You can order this season’s lentils here.