
Are you willing to take the #100DaysLocal challenge?

What is the challenge?
You will make a conscious effort to adopt local eating and cooking habits over the course of the challenge. We’re not asking you to follow a prescriptive local-only diet or cook with only our products. We are asking you to join us in reducing “food from far away” and help us to replace it with fresher, local, budget-minded choices that will also become the flavours of choice for your table for many days to come. We’ve got busy families too and we don’t subscribe to a philosophy of perfect living. We have truly enjoyed all the local food we bring into our own home and that’s what we want for you. A challenge is a great way to be more conscious of your choices over a certain period of time. Where you go with it after the challenge ends is up to you!

What do I need to do?
All of us make grocery runs and we generally grab some cheese doodles while we’re at it. But what if you could cut down on the grocery store runs? Learn the swaps, substitutions and replacements that have meant the most to us, and create your own. Help us find the missing pieces – what would you put in your order, if only it were available on our site? Help us grow and shape a sustainable local food network. We’re asking challenge takers to:
1) Read the weekly emails we send (particularly the challenge email)
2) Share your stories throughout the challenge in a way that feels right for you. Tell a friend, talk about it with co-workers, share photos or ideas on social media (please tag Local & Fresh and use the hashtag #100DaysLocal)
3) Make an order from Local & Fresh at a minimum of twice per month

What’s in it for me?
There will be lots of benefits, but here’s some of what you will enjoy as a challenge member:
1) Weekly email tracking the group’s progress and counting the days
2) Special samples, promotions, prices and discounts just for Challenge Takers
3) Recipes using L & F items (maybe even some pointers from local chefs!)
4) A celebration event invitation to mark completion of the challenge!

If you notice your own special benefits during the course of the challenge (a veggie your kids would never usually eat, weight loss, a new favourite food, the impact on your food budget are just some examples) SHARE IT WITH US! We may ask you to share your story with the wider challenge group or all of our customers.

When is the challenge?
The START DATE is Thursday, January 14, 2016.
The END DATE is Friday, April 22, 2016 (Earth Day).

Ready to take the challenge? Email us at info@localandfresh.ca by January 13, 2016 to tell us you’re in!