
Reconnecting Farmers and Consumers

In farming and in life, I have found that relationships are everything.

The relationship between the producer and the consumer actually begins far from the point of sale. It begins on the farm itself.

The farmer must have a relationship with the land, animals and plants long before they can build a relationship with those that eat their food.

Farmers closely watch their grass and gardens to make sure they give back more than they are taking. We love our animals and know their needs. Healthy land equals healthy grass. Healthy grass means healthy animals…and ultimately healthy and happy consumers.

This cycle is the same in the gardening world where healthy soil equals healthy and nutritious vegetables…and healthy and happy consumers.

This connection is the most important relationship of all because it is the basis of the trust that we rely on when we eat food that someone else has grown.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could conveniently shop for groceries based on the relationship you have with the local producer, rather than shopping for a bar coded commodity shipped from thousands of kilometres away?

Enter Local & Fresh. We work directly with the producers to capture their unique story and help you maintain the connection between you and the local people who produce the food you eat.

Local & Fresh will help you build this relationship with photos, videos, producer written blogs, and stories about their farms. You can shop online and have your Local & Fresh Stock Box of staples deliver to your home or workplace every week.

On my farm The Green Ranch, customers sometimes ask if we are “certified organic”. To me, this is nothing more than a piece of paper. I want my customers to TRUST me and know me as their farmer!

In the big box grocery world where there is absolutely no connection between the consumer and producer organic certification is very necessary. This at least gives consumers some confidence that someone has verified the farmers’ growing practices. The problem comes in when dealing with certified organic from Mexico or China where standards are much different. Organic certification may provide some trust, but relationships are everything in my mind.

We would love to hear what you think. Find us on twitter @fresh2home

Tim Shultz
Director of Producer Relations – Local and Fresh
Owner – The Green Ranch